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Separation of Concerns

May 25, 2024

In the realm of computer science, the principle of Separation of Concerns (SoC) is celebrated as a cornerstone of good design. It’s a bit like the neatly segmented compartments of a bento box, where each type of sushi, sashimi, and side dish stays beautifully contained in its own little space. This makes everything easier to find, manage, and, quite importantly, prevents your tempura from getting soggy in soy sauce. In programming, this means that different parts of a system are isolated to ensure that changes or bugs in one area don’t cause a catastrophic cascade of failures across the entire codebase. It’s brilliant, efficient, and tidy.

Now, let’s take this impeccable principle and awkwardly shoehorn it into our daily lives. Spoiler alert: it’s a disaster.

The Chaos of Compartmentalizing

Picture this: you’re having a delightful dinner with friends, and one of them starts talking about their recent breakup. Normally, you’d lend a sympathetic ear and maybe offer some sage advice. But under the iron-fisted rule of Separation of Concerns, you’re compelled to stop them mid-sentence. “I’m sorry, Julia, but this conversation belongs in the ‘Emotional Support and Life Drama’ compartment, not the ‘Casual Dining with Friends’ compartment. Please reschedule accordingly.”

Not only does this approach lack empathy, but it also dismantles the fluid, interconnected nature of human interactions. Life is messy, unpredictable, and gloriously unsorted. Trying to impose rigid boundaries on our relationships and experiences is like trying to separate the colors in a kaleidoscope. You’ll lose all the beauty and end up with a bunch of broken glass.

The Perils of Isolating Interests

Let’s take a look at hobbies. According to SoC logic, each interest must remain isolated to prevent overlap. So, your love of cooking can never influence your penchant for gardening. No using fresh herbs from your garden in your culinary creations! Cross-contamination is forbidden! This would not only stifle creativity but also deny the joy that comes from blending passions to create something uniquely wonderful. A world where hobbies are quarantined from one another is a dreary place indeed.

Emotional Disasters Waiting to Happen

The human psyche doesn’t fare well under the pressure of rigid compartmentalization either. Picture your mind as a series of neatly labeled boxes: Work Stress, Family Concerns, Personal Dreams, and Secret Fears. It sounds organized, but life has a funny way of ripping off the labels and shaking the boxes when you least expect it. Emotional intelligence thrives on our ability to integrate and process diverse feelings and experiences holistically. Trying to segment emotions would only lead to a backlog of unresolved issues, waiting to explode like a jack-in-the-box of doom.

The Beauty of Blurred Lines

The truth is, the magic of life lies in its interconnectedness. Our best ideas often emerge from the blending of disparate thoughts, much like a great recipe that combines unexpected ingredients. Friendships deepen when they encompass a spectrum of experiences, from joy to sorrow, trivial banter to profound discussions. Love grows when we share all facets of our lives with each other, without rigid boundaries.

In essence, while Separation of Concerns is a superb concept for coding—keeping systems maintainable, scalable, and bug-resistant—it falls flat as a philosophy for living. Life is far too complex, too rich, and too beautifully chaotic to be confined to neatly separated compartments. So, let’s leave SoC to the engineers and embrace the glorious messiness of human existence. After all, isn’t it the unpredictable blend of experiences that makes life so wonderfully worth living?


Ahmed Elfadel